Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 8: Koalas and kangaroooooos

Long overdue post..haha..been busy (lazy..shh) the past couple days =P

Don't really know why I put off this post for this long..considering this day was AMAAAZZING!!

Today was animal day =) Went to the sanctuary to meet some native Australian creatures

The Currubin Wildlife Sanctuary:
Right off the bat.. Koala! They were so cute! They curl up into a ball on the very tip of the branch haha. At first from afar, I saw little grey balls on the branches and I was like...what the heck are those fluff balls?!! They were sooo adorable!! so adorable that I cracked and paid $20 bucks to hug one and take a picture with it. =)
 And of course..the infamous kangaroo. Look at that little brat ...its freaken so big that it doesn't even fit in his mommy's pouch and he still got his mommy to carry him around everywhere. That poor mama.
 So apparently kangaroos are super friendly! They weren't caged in or anything, we can just walk right into the area and get close and personal with them! These kangaroos just can't wait to gimme some loooovin. (no..of course they wanted me and not the food I was holding..)
 I just thought this is a funny scene. =P
 So the thing with this wildlife "sanctuary"is that..most animals aren't caged...they just wander around the area...and I just happened to run into this gigantic bird thing on my way to the crocs. I wish I got close enough to really see what that was and maybe check a sign to identify this big started to make funny noises when I got closer..and obviously my first instinct when some giant bird caws at to turn around and run the other way haha
(special shout out to my bestie: All the while I was looking at pretty (and ugly) birds..I thought of you hahha. I'm pretty sure you will flip out here haha birds just fly everywhere)

Quite a productive day.

Hug a koala: check
Get mobbed by a group of kangaroos: check
Have my path blocked by a random massive ostrich looking bird: check

Well there's 3 things off my bucket list!

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