Saturday 23 June 2012


Obviously from the title..I went to watch jaaabbbaawockeezz today!!! When I first arrived in Australia, I saw posters of Jabba like evvverrrywhere and I was like huh!? and never thought twice about going to seem them. But Jessica and Tung (2 girls from HK working at the same building as me) suddenly went up to me like a day before and was like..ohhh wanna watch "those guys with white masks on"?? lol and I'm like..what?! who? OH..jabbawockeez!..SURE! at first I was being cheap and didn't want to spend that $70 bucks...buttt I did anyways haha and it turned out to be pretty awesome!

But before I even get to Jabba...the trip there is a whole story on its own...

Buses here are usually pretty empty, but for some reason, the one bus that we took to the casino for the show was just completely packed. I mean thats totally fine...its not like I've never stood on a bus before...BUT....

I just wanted to point out that whoever designed the stupid buses in Australia is clearly height-ist and evidently designed the busses with only tall people in mind. The god damn handle is like a whole foot and a half above my head. As if being squashed between people's armpits isn't bad enough..I can't even stabilize myself because I can barely reach the handle with my fully outstretched arms!!

THEN, on top of that, when I FINALLY got a seat..some punk with bright pink CK boxers (yes close enough that I can see the brand..not that I was looking really hard..) and too-low hung pants stood right in front of me so his freaken crotch was literally in my face. Then he turned around and I got a face full of his ass. I honestly don't know what is worse.

ANYWAY, Jabbawockeez.
So the ticket actually includes the show AND a dinner. 

Jabbawockeez serving us fooooooood!! I wish. They were just on the menu.

Pumpkin soup 
The main dish...which looked quite..interesting lol. They're supposed to be pork sausages..but I made a mistake of letting my imagination go wild..and ended up just eating the mashed potatoes because I was so disgusted just thinking about biting into one of them haha.

Annnnd the Jabba stage! We weren't allowed to take videos or photos during the show. So this is the only photo I managed to take BEFORE the show.

The show was pretty darn awesome. Jabbawockeez was hilarious. I was expecting a dance show, but it turned out to be a dance/comedy show. In a way, it was good because I had a good laugh, but I think it took away from the awesomeness of their dance skills. It was good nevertheless.

I can totally be one of them =)

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