Saturday 16 June 2012

DAY 14: Surfers Paradise

Wooohooo now THIS is more like it. Bikini weather in the winter =)

Had plans to go surfing with the professor today, but I think the waves are still a tiny bit crazy, so we moved it to tomorrow. Instead, I headed down to Surfers Paradise and enjoyed a full day of sunshine. 

The Surfers Paradise arch thingy. Apparently very tacky to the locals, but being the tourist that I am, I enjoyed it =)

I was expecting tons of surfers and swimmers at "SURFERS paradise"..but I guess the waves really weren't that great..probably saw less than 5 surfers out there today from where we were sitting.
With no one photobombing in the background..I obviously jumped at that photo opt and took some shots with the lovely ocean.
My co-worker and her boyfriend . Such a cute couple =).  

For lunch, we had a "picnic" on the beach. I say "picnic" because I was too lazy to pack lunch and just got myself some Mos burger. yumm yumm.
 As soon as I opened my burger, this little guy flopped down from nowhere and stared me down for my burger. I wanted to shoo it away, but that poor guy had one limpy leg and I just didn't have the heart to scream at him.

I think this one super warm and sunny day made up for the crappy weather we had last weekend. I'm quite easily satisfied =) 

Random thought of the day: I will now have to admit that I am just bilingual and not trilingual as I have come to terms with my inability to speak French. =(

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