This is for you Andrew Wong!
Thanks for telling me to try the most disgusting bread spread EVER!
Knew I should've listened to Kyra.
So for the past couple of weeks, whenever I go grocery shopping, I've had this tiny voice in the back of my head urging me to go get some vegemite. So a couple days ago, I finnnally bought a tiny jar and I was super excited to to try it out since apparently I had to try it at my earliest convenience (said Andrew). I was super excited to try it as soon as I got home..except the stupid jar was reallllly hard to open and while I was secretly hoping I had Sarah's jar opener..the jar completely slipped out of my hand, hit the floor and shattered into pieces. There goes my vegemite. Thinking back, that might've been a sign NOT to try vegemite. But of course I was determined to try it, so I went out yesterday and bought a SECOND jar.
Vegemite sandwich...
I've been told that vegemite has an..acquired taste...but being asian... I was know what..I've tasted some pretty weird things in my life AND liked might as well give it a go. Boy I totally didn't see this coming lol. It tasted like really REALLY gone wrong lol. I had to down a whole cup of milk before I can get the taste out of my mouth.
Well there you go... If you're ever in Australia, and people tell you you HAVE to try this infamous Australian spread. DON'T DO IT. Consider yourself warned.
Its official..Vegemite and I DO NOT GET ALONG!!!!!!!! ...freaken dropped the whole jar onto my laptop and dented my my track pad.
wow. still quite the clutz eh erica haha but thanks for the heads up on that spread...