Wednesday 20 June 2012

DAY 18: Eventless humpday

Today really doesn't deserve its own entry as it was rather eventless. HOWEVER, I feel it necessary to share that I did go out to the mall today and purchase an item that will make a HUUGGE improvement to my stay here:

TA-DAA...a space heater!! Every night..while my body is warm and snug under my head is left out in the cold and I wake up to bloody frozen hair (if my hair is still wet from shower) and a frozen nose. That will never have to happen again with this lovely device. If I said hugging a koala is the best $20 spent, I take it back. THIS is the best 20 bucks I've ever spent.

In other news, as a result of my boredom, I baked some pretty bad ass cookies today. I haven't baked in sooo long. It feels good to bake again. I wonder why I quit..oh right..because I didn't NEED to bake with a self-proclaimed master baker in my life...also didn't want to steal his limelight with my wonderful baked goods har har.

Also, I will never take my electric mixer at home for granted lol. Its never know how useful something is until you don't have it. 

so much for "not deserving an entry"...I talk too much lol

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