Friday 1 June 2012

DAY 1: Pre-departure jitters

After emotional breakdowns and the departure fiasco, I'm finally at YVR waiting to board my 16 hour flight to AUSTRALIA!

Still terrified beyond belief, still feel like peeing my pants whenever I think about the coming 10 weeks in an unknown land. Who would've thought that living away from home for 4 years still can't cure me of paranoia, nervous breakdowns and all that jazz. But really, there is SO much to worry about...killer bees, black widow spiders, weather too cold..too hot..too wet., what if I can't understand english??! what if I get lost?? what if I fall into the ocean?! what happens if I swim into a shark?! what if my landlord is crazy?? what if my roommates are druggies?? and as always, what if I passout in the middle of nowhere?! Okay seriously I need to stop...

Anyways, Im going to miss my baby Lexie =(. Poor baby, she looked so sad. I wanted to pack her with me so bad!! Don't worry! I'll see you in 2 months!

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