Saturday 9 June 2012

DAY 7: Vomit-fest

First humpback whale survey!
Arrived at Mariner's Cove nice and early. and of course, the one day I wanted the sun out the most, it went MIA. But at least it wasn't raining!
The nice big vessel which later became a puke city. I typically don't get really bad seasickness, but between the waves, the gloomy sky and people vomiting here and there, I got a little queasy myself. Now seeing that I was getting a little sick, my wonderful co-worker suggested (I'm sure with good intentions) that I should go down to the main level of the boat. "It'll be less rocky" he said, "You'll feel much better right in the middle of the boat" he said. LIES. As soon as I walked down from the top, I was hit with a wave of vomit stench and then saw about half of the boat's passenger throwing up their breakfasts into white paper bags. I swear I've never seen so many puking people my whole life....
Despite the seasickness, it was definitely cool to see the gentle giants of the sea!! They were coming up and slashing their tails and stuff! This was the best picture that I managed to take. It was not an easy task taking a decent photo while trying keep my breakfast down AND doing a whale survey.

Lunch after the whales at Max Brenner Chocolate Bar at the Marina Mirage:
 Milk and dark chocolate fondue
Best belgium waffles EVER.

From vomit-fest to sugary heaven...what a day. =)

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