Friday 15 June 2012

DAY 12: The SPIT

The weather was super nice was the first day that I didn't have to wear my jacket out since I got here. So after work, my wonderful housemate Preston drove me down to THE SPIT and spat into the ocean (just kidding..but in retrospect..I really should've lol). I would've found "The Spit" an amusing name for a place if only I didn't have Mr. Allan's voice explaining what a spit is in the back of my mind...Thank you Allan for ingraining the properties of geological landforms in my brain.

Looking down the spit.

 The swell was still pretty big and waves were just out of control. The waves were hitting the rocks and stuff and we were sprayed all over with salty ocean water. If we stayed on the spit any longer, the waves would've washed us out to the ocean.
A very mystic-looking view of the Gold Coast from the Spit
Crazy waves hitting the beach beside the Spit

We planned to watch the sunset out on the spit and we were there just a tad took some pictures on the lovely beach. 
Before heading out to the spit, I insisted on wearing a flowing skirt JUST for the purpose of this picture =). Nah, just too lazy to change, but i do love the way the skirt flows in the air like that! I shall wear long flowy skirts whenever I plan on taking jumping pictures on the beach hehe ^^. 

Just in time to catch a man trying to fish the setting sun. 
The sunset was beaautiful.

Couple hours later.... 

Went for a night stroll along Surfers Paradise.
It was really peaceful looking out and hearing the waves, but at the same time, it was also a little eerie looking out into complete darkness and emptiness of the Pacific Ocean.
(note the random seagull..what a poser)

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