Sunday 17 June 2012

DAY 15: "sick" day

My surfing plan has once again been..postponed. This time I can't blame mother nature... I woke up this morning feeling like I got ran over by a big honkin truck. My shoulders were sore, my back was sore, my legs were sore, my neck especially was sore...on top of that my lymph nodes on my neck feels a little bit swollen and hurts like crap when I poke at it. I should stop whining haha my point is..I felt like crap this morning.

While I was trying to decide whether I should pop a couple of advil and just pass out on bed for the rest of the day, Mr. Pushy-pants came into my room and guilt tripped me to get out on this beaaautiful Sunday afternoon DESPITE feeling like crap. So after 15 minutes of hardcore persuasion from Mr. Pushy-pants, off I go to Tallebudgera Creek (with unbrushed hair and a slight big deal). 

I needed to take a picture of the sign because I know I won't remember what that stupid creek is called and I won't know how to spell it here lol.

Behold..Tallebudgera Creek. When I say "stupid creek" just now..I really don't mean it. because Tallebudgera creek is so verrry gorgeous. I can just sit here all day and soak in all the gorgeousness.
 Here is the creek again. The tide was pretty low and we saw little kids standing in the middle of the we thought we could just wade from one side to the other...and boy were we so wrong lol. A couple steps into the creek, the water was already to my thighs. How those kids managed to stand in the middle of the creek is beyond me lol it must be shallower in the middle?? who knows. 

 On the other side of the creek is the beach. A very movie-esque beach with couples walking along and dogs playing fetch

 Ahh just so breathtaking. Can even see Surfers Paradise waay in the back there.

 Even though I sounded really cranky and was complaining about being "dragged out" of my nest, I AM very glad you did drag me out today =) Tallebudgera creek is amazing and I had a blast. Thanks Preston!! ^^

I love this picture ^^ But what you guys don't know is what I was thinking when that photo was taken.  I was cursing under my breath because my underwear just got soaked by a giant wave.

 Doggies! There was this one dog who would just come up randomly and drop a ball at our feet and wait for us to throw it. haha so cute. 

After Tallebudgera Creek, we went to Main Beach and played a game of...patong?! pathong? badong?! yeah somewhere along those lines lol Needless to say, I'm a natural at everything and owned it even though I can't even pronounce the damn name of the game hhaha. I wish I had taken photos of this, but was too busy throwing balls and frisbee.

I'm completely exhausted now. This blog entry feels like its super I'm gonna wrap it up.

What was supposed to be a stay-at-home day turned out to be an amazing day. Not too shabby for a "sick day"!

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